Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas My Love - Priti Soma Mazumdar, New Delhi

Merry Christmas My Love
M- My friend, there's something I want to convey...
E - Even though you are very far away from me...
R - Remembering you, I really do each passing day
R - Recalling your messages you had sent me daily
Y - Yearning now for your love, I must honestly say.

C - Cold days, cold nights are now here
H - Hugs from you, I am longing, my dear
R - Release me from sorrow and despair
I - In my heart your sweet name is there
S- Still lingering and could not disappear.
T- Tears, tears.. rolling down, I really cry
M- My fervent feelings for you will never die
A- And will never forget you as days pass by.
S -Someday you will know that I did not lie.

M- Merry Christmas to you, my dear.
Y- You're in my thoughts and daily pray'r.

L - Longing for you almost everyday
O- One day I know, I have to go away..
V - Very depressed and frustrated, I will be
E- "Endless Love", please come back to me.

Greetings to all! "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."

P.S:- Please do not copy for commercial purposes to avoid litigation.
This may appear as a plain copy paste poem/article but it is not.
Copyrights reserved with Deepankar Choudhury.